We've now added a new UI feature to both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator which will show users the changelog of a major update or showcase the featured DLC release. Let us know your feedback and comments by heading to our official forums. We really hope you like this redesign, and we hope we can expand on it in the future. We understand that these statistics are important for drivers to look back on, especially if you are part of a VTC where you may need to log your previous jobs for driver activity.

We've also redesigned your delivery log which shows clearly your previous jobs, your cargo, what day you made the delivery on, income, XP, time spent etc. We look forward to working on expanding this feature in the future, but for the time being, let us know your thoughts about it! Any comments or feedback can be made over on our official forums.Ĭustom City Intros - Road to the Black Sea DLCĬarrying on from our previous update which introduced custom city intros in the Iberia DLC, we have now expanded these cutscenes to the Road to the Black DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2! While they may not be visible to the driver, you will be able to feel these subtle bumps and in some cases hear them affect your vehicle whilst driving.

We're excited to introduce Random Road Bumps into 1.47! These small bumps are procedurally generated to give the roads an imperfect feel to them. Please share with us your feedback and comments on our official forums. These features have been in the works for a while, but it is still work in progress and we look forward to seeing how they perform during 1.47 Open Beta.

This technology in the real world has saved countless lives and is found in most modern trucks. Coupled with ACC is the Emergency Braking System, which activates your brakes whenever a collision is imminent with the vehicle in front, to avoid or minimize damage.